
Recent Articles

MacNeill H, Masters K, Nemethy K et al. Online learning in health professions education. Part 1: Teaching and learning in online environments: AMEE Guide No. 161. Medical Teacher 2024;46(1):4-17. 

Shah S, Mahboob U, Junaid SM et al. Challenges faced by teachers of postgraduate health professions blended learning programs: a qualitative analysis. BMC Medical Education 2024; 24:251.

Masters K, Benjamin J, Agrawal A et al. Twelve tips on creating and using custom GPTs to enhance health professions education. Medical Teacher 2024 [Latest Articles].

Elston P, Canale GP, Ail G, Fisher N et al. Twelve tips for teaching in virtual reality. Medical Teacher 2024;46(4):495-499.

Thomson R, Fisher J, Steinert Y. Twelve tips for small group teaching 2.0 - Rebooted for remote and HyFlex learning. Medical Teacher 2022;44(5):494-499.
